jueves, 7 de noviembre de 2013

English Magazine: Teacher´s Day!

English Magazine: Teacher´s Day!: Yesterday, October 16, we celebrated in Chile the teacher's day: We wanted send a regards to all the teacher in this world, and tell the...

It´s time to Play!

A site recomented for small children


It´s my life by Bon Jovi.

                                                    I want to break free by Queen

                                                   Helena by  My Chemical Romance


jueves, 17 de octubre de 2013

Teacher´s Day!

Yesterday, October 16, we celebrated in Chile the teacher's day:
We want to send  regards to all the teachers in the world, and tell them WE LOVE YOU!
Thanks  you so much. 

jueves, 3 de octubre de 2013

it´s time to work


Today we left you this page where you´ll find "listening" activities. Try to do one exercise each day.
        Good Luck!

jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2013

New movies, new adventures - October

Dragon Ball Z:  Battle of Gods:






jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2013

Chilean food

For Sopaipillas:
400 g of Flour
150 g of Pumpking
1 little spoon of baking powder
3 spoons of butter
Frying oil
For Pebre:
For Sopaipillas
First, we have to mix all the ingredients in one dough, Then we have to expand all the dough on a table and roll it with a roller. After that, we have to cut the already rolled rough in circles and fry it.
For Pebre
We have to cut all the ingredients and put them on a bowl , then add salt, oil and lemon at your taste.

jueves, 29 de agosto de 2013

Kira Devin, Great Times.

Last month Kira Devin Voluteer from the misiter program Open Doors came back to her city, Chicago, U.S.A, She joined us in the english class for 6 months.With her simpathy, entusiasm and hapiness show us a little bit more about her culture and idiom, also she was the main support for our classmates participarting in the debates activities Open Door. She was a great support for all the school  and give for sure we all going to miss her.
Acording to one of the students participatinf in the debates activities, she was a fin fan of chocolate and hot coffe, loving all the time the wordplays and enjoing some kind of jokes. There was great times to remember.

jueves, 1 de agosto de 2013

English Debate Tournament 2013

This year, our school had the oportunity to participate in the " English debate Tournament 2013". Our reprecentatives classmates were Catalina Navarro and Gabriel Azocar  from 4th grade high school and Rocio Barrientos, Felipe Torres and Carla Montero from 3th grade high school.  After  a hard work and with  the help of our teachers, Miss Sandra Peña, Miss Marcela Ilabaca and Miss Kira Devin, volunteer of the program "Open doors", they achieved  rich to the final.
The last debate will be in Valdivia... good luck!!!


Is a "Ministerio de Economía, Fomento y Turismo's" programme, that allows you to apply to study  for six months abroad.
for more information, visit the page http://www.economia.gob.cl/pinguinos-sin-fronteras/ 

jueves, 30 de mayo de 2013

tongue twisters

A) Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. 
    Did Peter Piper pick a peck of pickled peppers? 
    If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, 
   where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked? 

B) She sells sea shells by the sea shore. 
    The shells she sells are surely seashells. 
    So if she sells shells on the seashore, 
     I'm sure she sells seashore shells. 

C) A bitter biting bittern 
    Bit a better brother bittern, 
   And the bitter better bittern 
   Bit the bitter biter back. 
   And the bitter bittern, bitten, 
   By the better bitten bittern, 

D) How much wood would a woodchuck chuck 
if a woodchuck could chuck wood? 
He would chuck, he would, as much as he could, 
and chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would 
if a woodchuck could chuck wood. 

jueves, 2 de mayo de 2013


ParaRegular Activity

                                   ParaRegular Activity
    Here a movie , made by Matías, Felipe, Joaquín and Héctor ( 3rd. grade)                                
    Hope you enjoy :


jueves, 28 de marzo de 2013

You have to watch this...

Love Actually

Sucker Punch

Pride and Prejudice

Silver Things Playbook

Mr. Nobody

The Notebook

New Year's Eve

The Roomate

Moulin Rouge


The Curious Case of Benjamin Button


Enjoy :P by Carry nd Jo

jueves, 21 de marzo de 2013


1.- Locked Out Of Heaven - Bruno Mars

2.-  The A Team - Ed Sheeran

3.- Hall Of Fame - The Script

3.- We Are Never Ever Ever Getting Back Together - Taylor Swift

4.- One Way Or Another - One Direction

5.- Why Don't We Just F¿ck? - Greg Parys

6.- Let's Go - Travis Barker ft. Yelawolf; Busta Rymes; Lil Jon ( Ricky Luna Remix)

7.- Diamonds - Rihanna


By: Carry<3

Natalia´s presentation


Natalia was a revelation in the  "voice festival"...enjoy her.