jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2012

A interview with STACY

Why did you decide to become a teacher?
-I become a teacher by accident, I've been a fitness coach for many years and when I started  to travel it was natural for me to teach English.

Why did you decide to join to the Chilean program "Abre puertas" ?
 -I picked the program because it didn't have a fee and it's with the government.

How is it  been so far your experience here in Chile? 
-I like it.

Have you heard about Chiloé before coming here?
-Of course.

What do you think about Chiloé?
-It's what I wanted.

Have you liked the school's atmosphere?
-I's very different but very warm, I like it.

What's  chilean's food have you tried until now?
-I've tried, "Curanto, Milcao, Chapalele, Cazuela and Calzones Rotos".

What's the difference between your lifestyle in USA and the chilean style of life?
-Biggest difference, is the USA is individualistic while chilean life is about the family.

Tell us something about you 
-I'm studying peace, specifically peace throungh dance, exercise and meditation.

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