jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2012

Emelia and Evie

Emelia and Evie are the new volunteers working at the school.

They are going to spend a year helping in the english classes since "nivel medio mayor" till 4th grade high school .

                              WELCOME    :)

A interview with STACY

Why did you decide to become a teacher?
-I become a teacher by accident, I've been a fitness coach for many years and when I started  to travel it was natural for me to teach English.

Why did you decide to join to the Chilean program "Abre puertas" ?
 -I picked the program because it didn't have a fee and it's with the government.

How is it  been so far your experience here in Chile? 
-I like it.

Have you heard about Chiloé before coming here?
-Of course.

What do you think about Chiloé?
-It's what I wanted.

Have you liked the school's atmosphere?
-I's very different but very warm, I like it.

What's  chilean's food have you tried until now?
-I've tried, "Curanto, Milcao, Chapalele, Cazuela and Calzones Rotos".

What's the difference between your lifestyle in USA and the chilean style of life?
-Biggest difference, is the USA is individualistic while chilean life is about the family.

Tell us something about you 
-I'm studying peace, specifically peace throungh dance, exercise and meditation.

jueves, 13 de septiembre de 2012

Ninja Cannon: The grand master needs the help of the best ninjas in the country. Demons are dominating the sacred places and it's time to finish them. Use the cannon to launch ninjas and use their abilities.

jueves, 6 de septiembre de 2012

Dynamite Train: Strategically placed dynamite on the bridges and explótala just as the train passes over him.