jueves, 17 de abril de 2014

The new volunteer 2014

Ryan Mahoney is a 24 years old volunteer that comes from United States.
He found this programme online called "P.I.A.P" (Programa inglés abre puertas) and it looked reliable to him.
We asked him about the difference between Chicago and Ancud, he told us the first big difference was; where he lives he never gets the chance to see the sea ,but here he sees it everyday besides he talked about the weather, he said that summer in Chicago is very hot and in winter it snows, while here it rains all the year.
He said that it has been a good experience. he likes this place, the students, and the school but he thinks that he's tired because we spend a lot more time at school than in the U.S.A.
He finally said that he felt very lucky to be here.