jueves, 29 de agosto de 2013

Kira Devin, Great Times.

Last month Kira Devin Voluteer from the misiter program Open Doors came back to her city, Chicago, U.S.A, She joined us in the english class for 6 months.With her simpathy, entusiasm and hapiness show us a little bit more about her culture and idiom, also she was the main support for our classmates participarting in the debates activities Open Door. She was a great support for all the school  and give for sure we all going to miss her.
Acording to one of the students participatinf in the debates activities, she was a fin fan of chocolate and hot coffe, loving all the time the wordplays and enjoing some kind of jokes. There was great times to remember.

jueves, 1 de agosto de 2013

English Debate Tournament 2013

This year, our school had the oportunity to participate in the " English debate Tournament 2013". Our reprecentatives classmates were Catalina Navarro and Gabriel Azocar  from 4th grade high school and Rocio Barrientos, Felipe Torres and Carla Montero from 3th grade high school.  After  a hard work and with  the help of our teachers, Miss Sandra Peña, Miss Marcela Ilabaca and Miss Kira Devin, volunteer of the program "Open doors", they achieved  rich to the final.
The last debate will be in Valdivia... good luck!!!


Is a "Ministerio de Economía, Fomento y Turismo's" programme, that allows you to apply to study  for six months abroad.
for more information, visit the page http://www.economia.gob.cl/pinguinos-sin-fronteras/